Category Archives: The Outdoors
Women and Our Woods: Tree ID and FIG Plot Workshop
Live nature cameras to watch while you’re stuck indoors
Are you running out of things to do indoors while it snows again? It’s harder than usual to get outdoors this winter but we can at least watch what’s happening outdoors while staying warm in our homes. I’m a live camera fanatic. I almost always have one running in the background while I’m writing. If […]
13 things to do to get ready for tomorrow’s storm
Ten things I plan to do in 2015
Stocking trout in the Stillwater Branch of the Penobscot River
Steve Morin has an idea to expand recreational trout fishing opportunities and he’d like you help. He said, “Last year I contacted our regional fisheries biologist to ask if it would be possible to stock the area below the new “Bottom Release” Hydro Power station recently completed on the Stillwater Branch of the Penobscot River […]
Review: neither Mountain nor River by Mike Freeman
Reluctantly, I’ve settled into winter activities like reading and knitting. The stack of books I’ll read over the winter is tall but it looks like there’s going to be plenty of time to read. I’ll share my reviews for outdoors related books here. Let’s start with this one. neither Mountain nor River By Mike Freeman […]
Your Maine Kitchen – Educational Programs
Educational Programs – From Scratch: Your Maine Kitchen Oh how I wish this were available at the Cooperative Extension in Machias! I’m a little bit very jealous. I’d love to take these classes. If you attend any of them I’d love to hear about them. A description of each coarse is available at the University […]
Cooking tasty bear chops is simple – Cooking Wild Game
Veterans, House in the Woods, and a Camp on a Lake
About six years ago George and Terry Gallagher drove to Lee and knocked on a door. That knock helped improve many lives. The Gallaghers were looking for someone to share their beautiful camp on Upper Sysladobsis (Dobsis) lake in Lakeville Plantation. They were specifically hoping to open their camp and hearts to veterans. At House […]
Getting Reacquainted & Outdoors Fitness
Downeast Lakes Land Trust honors local conservationist
The Downeast Lakes Land Trust’s (DLLT) President and Vermont Poet Laureate, Sydney Lea bestowed the Downeast Lakes Conservation Award on long-time supporter Pete Borden in acknowledgment of his key role in the initiation and continued growth of the Land Trust. “Downeast Lakes Land Trust would never have developed as it has without the able counsel […]
A testy bull moose at Sandy Stream Pond
Maine Maple Sunday recipe – grilled dirty maple shrimp
It was so cold the sap wasn’t running but that didn’t stop Chandler’s Sugar Shack from opening up on Maine Maple Sunday. The sap did run briefly but it was just enough to flush the lines between 3,100 taps. They aren’t too discouraged because it’s going to warm up later this week and when it […]
Life in the woods: Blood on the snow
Reader Story: Wildlife in The Basin
I enjoy being able to share readers’ stories. This is one I’d love to see myself. Lifelong friends Dave and Barb Shaw of Glenburn were out for a ride recently. Hi Robin, Barb and I saw something unusual while nosing around Veazie and Orono to see the effects of the removal of the dam. That […]
Cooking with Cranberries
It’s cranberry time in Maine. A handful of Maine’s producers are dry picking their berries while most are flooding blogs and reeling in the berries. I have no personal preference in how the berries we eat are picked. As long as they’re picked and I have 10 pounds to put up I’m satisfied. I don’t […]
Moose Down – how to make the work of a moose hunt easier
Monday morning. Foggy, wet. We waited at the edge of a bog bull moose have been frequenting. Kenny Jipson and my husband Steve continued along the edge of the bog while Melissa Olesky and I sat down to listen. Something, probably deer, walked behind us. There were no answers to my calls. We met up […]