Category Archives: Wildlife
Feeding the very hungry bobcat.
Part Two of our experience with the bobcat that worked its way into the hen house. I expect there to be a third part before this is over. Part One is here. The snowmobile trail I follow is ours and is only on our land. I haven’t put the cat or people in danger of […]
How to live peacefully with a killer bobcat
Live nature cameras to watch while you’re stuck indoors
Are you running out of things to do indoors while it snows again? It’s harder than usual to get outdoors this winter but we can at least watch what’s happening outdoors while staying warm in our homes. I’m a live camera fanatic. I almost always have one running in the background while I’m writing. If […]
Talking Hunting on Maine Outdoors
Stuffed Venison Burgers – Cooking Wild Game
My big buck’s shoulder mount – ruined or saved?
After seven years, I tagged my first deer!
Politics, Hunting, and Sunrise on Democrat Ridge
The television was spewing hateful political ads and bad news when Steve turned it on this morning. I wasn’t long in turning it off. Facebook wasn’t much better. I’m sick to death of all this trash talk. It seems like there’s no getting away from hate and discontent in today’s connected world, and Tuesday can’t […]
Getting Reacquainted & Outdoors Fitness
Banding Geese at Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge
My daughter Taylor is the Youth Conservation Corps leader at Moosehorn National Refuge. When she mentioned banding geese I was all over it. “Can I help?” “I think so. Call Maury or Ray.” Maury Mills manages the Woodcock Singing Ground Survey I’ve been participating in for so long, and Ray Brown allowed me to go […]
A testy bull moose at Sandy Stream Pond
Help please! Can you identify these dragonflies?
These gorgeous dragonflies (or maybe they’re not dragonflies?) and others buzzed around the pond yesterday afternoon, eating black flies and mosquitoes. I’m very fond of dragonflies and appreciate them flying inches from my head to catch the biting bugs while I work in the garden. I don’t know the identification of any of these dragonflies […]
The Woodpecker Tree
The weather was lousy on opening day of turkey season but that didn’t stop me
Turkey season opens Monday and I won’t be hunting here
Should we delay shed hunting?
Over the last three months I haven’t seen many deer or deer signs. They’ve had a hard winter with deep snow starting in December and continuing into April. Parts of Maine have had four or more ice storms, two of them significant. I drove to Grand Lake Stream on Tuesday and Houlton on Wednesday, and […]
A ruffed grouse budding on a late afternoon
Jennifer Vashon, bear biologist, talks about Maine’s bears
Jennifer Vashon, one of Maine’s bear biologists, was a guest with Tom Saviello on Talkin’ Maine. I was happy to see the show on Vimeo as this isn’t a program I can watch at home. Have you ever wondered how biologists age a bear? Are sows pregnant during hunting season? And when do they give […]