Category Archives: Women and Our Woodlots

Women and Our Woods: Tree ID and FIG Plot Workshop

Women and Our Woods Tree ID and FIG Plot Workshop Saturday, March 7, 2015 – 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM Lee Academy, Winn Rd, Lee Have you ever wondered what kinds of trees are in your woodland and how they are measured? In this half-day workshop, we will learn how Forest Inventory Growth (FIG) plots […]

Women and Our Woods (WOW)

Women and Our Woods

Women and Our Woods I don’t have to be looking for a new way to get involved with the outdoors – it will find me all in good time. Tanya Rucosky from Downeast Lakes Land Trust emailed me about Women and Our Woods (WOW), and there it was, my new way to get involved. I’m […]