Steve Morin has an idea to expand recreational trout fishing opportunities and he’d like you help. He said, “Last year I contacted our regional fisheries biologist to ask if it would be possible to stock the area below the new “Bottom Release” Hydro Power station recently completed on the Stillwater Branch of the Penobscot River in Old Town-Orono. My reasoning was that the new “colder” water could provide a great opportunity to have annual trout stockings for all to enjoy.”
Steve has just been told that the proposal has passed all the steps and is in the final stages of completion. How exciting! Having grown up a half mile from the Penobscot River, I remember when it was so filthy my parents reminded me often – don’t touch the water. It feels like a different river. A lot has changed in 40 years.
Trout aren’t new to the Penobscot River. They are compatible with salmon and won’t interfere with the efforts being made with Atlantic salmon. Eric Sappier caught this incredible brook trout in the area. Two others followed it to shore. “Pay attention to the amount of foliage,” Sappier noted, “It was early. I almost had a heart attack!“
Trout survive winters in the river and grow to be trophy fish.
Steve Morin would like to get this message out to folks who live in the area. “This last stage is the public comment period and it is open for the next 30 days. If you feel that this is something that will benefit you, area kids and families and UMO students, can you please look at the links I am including and email Becky Orff at the email I provided with your comments as to why you believe this is a positive program for our community?”
Clean water, trout, Atlantic salmon… The Penobscot River is a fantastic resource for the community.
Here are links to IFW for details:
And, Stillwater River Stocking Proposal
Email for comments to Becky Orff:
The public comment period is 30 days from the posting date of the proposed stocking program change. Contact person for filing written comments: Becky Orff, Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, 284 State Street, 41 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0041. Email: