Tag Archives: bear hunting
My big buck’s shoulder mount – ruined or saved?
Getting Reacquainted & Outdoors Fitness
Maine Bear Hunting Referendum: hunting with Bob Tigro
This is an incredible story. Refill your coffee and get comfortable. You’ll be drawn in quickly. This is Bob Tigro’s story of bear and coyote hunting at Oxbow Lodge in Oxbow. What do coyotes have to do with hunting bears with bait, snares and hounds? If it weren’t for bear hunting Bob wouldn’t have made […]
Maine Bear Hunting Referendum: Thoughts from an out-of-stater
I met Pat Rayta online in a group devoted to saving Maine’s proven hunting methods. It’s a big group, more than 1,300 men and women who love the outdoors, understand or are learning about hunting as a means of conversation, and who are passionate about keeping Maine’s bear population healthy. It didn’t take long to […]
Maine Bear Hunting Referendum: Ballot box biology shouldn’t replace biologists
I’ve asked people who are involved in Maine’s bear hunt to tell us their stories. We’re likely to be voting on a referendum in November that calls for the end of baiting, hounding and snaring/trapping. If this passes it will affect the bears, hunters, timber management companies, store owners, guides, lodge and camp owners and […]
A second bear!
Finally! A bear!
HSUS for Fair Bear Hunting?
HSUS for Fair…wait…did you think the name of this entity was Mainers for Fair Bear Hunting? mmm…so did a lot of folks. “Mainers” in this case is code word for Humane Society of the United States, based in Washington, DC. Their website is fairbearhunt.com, and the name of the website is typed into the software […]
My no-bear bear baiting experience
A cow moose walks into a bear baiting station…
Bear Baiting: a little discouraged
Bear Baiting: tending the bait
Bear Baiting: The barrel
Don’t store bear bait in the… (reader shared story)
Steve’s putting together a tree stand for the bear bait site. I’m getting the game cameras’ batteries replaced, cards formatted and inserted, and a little bait together. A cortisone shot in my injured, arthritic knee on Thursday is working nicely today so rolling the barrel up hill won’t be so bad. I need to figure […]
Bear baiting opens July 27
Yes, I Bait Bears
Bear baiting. It’s probably the most controversial topic out there regarding hunting in Maine. I hated it passionately. How can anyone sit over a bait bucket and shoot an animal? How unfair. It made me furious. I wasn’t a hunter at the time. I had no personal knowledge, only hearsay, but that was good enough […]
Why Do You Hunt?
Why do you hunt? It’s a question I’m often asked. I sometimes give a well rehearsed, detailed explanation of why I hunt. Other times, when I know there’s nothing “right” I can say to the person asking, I give a brief answer. I’d rather not get into a heated discussion about hunting but will if […]