Tag Archives: bird watching
Feeding the wild turkeys
Politics, Hunting, and Sunrise on Democrat Ridge
The television was spewing hateful political ads and bad news when Steve turned it on this morning. I wasn’t long in turning it off. Facebook wasn’t much better. I’m sick to death of all this trash talk. It seems like there’s no getting away from hate and discontent in today’s connected world, and Tuesday can’t […]
The soaking wet broad-winged hawk
Indigo Bunting makes a surprise visit
Canada Geese in Magurrewock Marsh
I spent six weeks on limited activity after having surgery in February. No ice fishing, only a little snowshoeing in no more than a few inches of fluffy snow, and certainly no snowmobiling. A girl gets fidgety when she can’t do much. I’m making up for lost time as much as possible these days. Maggurewock […]
The Eagles of Maggurewock Marsh
A ruffed grouse budding on a late afternoon
Return of the purple finch
Life in the Woods: Bald Eagle
There’s finally some action at the bird feeders!
Energy Bars for Wild Birds
Red-breasted nuthatches are energetic birds
The red-breasted nuthatches (Sitta canadensis) are among the busiest birds coming to my feeders, matched only by the black-capped chickadees. They’re 4.5″ of non-stop energy. Like the chickadees, they have a short neck and round head. Their wings and back are blue-gray. They sport a black cap on the heads and black mask-like stripe along […]
Downy Woodpeckers
Canada Jays and Their Bad Reputation
The Canada jay (Perisoreus canadensis) is one of my favorite birds. They’re entertaining when I’m sitting in a tree stand while hunting or when walking through the woods. They’ll fly up from behind, land ten feet ahead of me, wait until I pass, chatter at me, and fly up from behind again. They’re amusing themselves […]
Book Review: Maine’s Favorite Birds
Jeffrey V. Wells and Allison Childs Wells Illustrated by Evan Barbour Publication Date: May 1, 2012 Paperback, $15, ISBN 978-0-88448-336-6 6 x 9, 72 pages, 100+ color paintings Maine’s Favorite Birds by Jeffrey V. Wells and Allison Child Wells was written as a guide for beginner and intermediate birders as well those who are advanced. […]